Configuration Options: There are four items that can be set up to suit the user, this setup data is then stored, for future reference, in a 8 byte file named EEF.DAT. The setup options include foreground and background colors, calculator type, and sound generation. This area is accessed from the main menu by pressing the <A> key. The options are displayed on the lower area of the screen, one at a time. If a change is necessary simply key in the appropriate numeric values and press the <ENTER> key. If no change is to be made then simply press the <ENTER> key to go to the next choice. The options are listed below. Foreground color : Range 0 - 15 Background color : Range 0 - 7 Calculator type : Range 0 - Algebraic / 1 - RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Sound : Range 0 - On / 1 - Off The foreground and background colors can not be set to the same value, an error message will be displayed if this occurs. See the on-screen calculator help area for operational considerations, concerning the type selection. To savethe changes press the <ESC> key, this will exit the configure area and write thesetup information to the setup file. Data Entry Method: Please follow the instructions below while running the EEF program. First select the proper subject from the main menu. Once the new menu is displayed you will have to select an appropriate topic. The program will then display that screen. The first few lines, starting at the top of the monitor will give a brief description of the area you have accessed. If a prompt will require more than a one character response, then a window will be displayed. Thewindow has a wrap feature, which works as follows; as the window becomes filled,characters on the left will be dropped, as new characters are added on the rightside of the window. The <BACKSPACE> key can be used to eliminate characters, from the right side of the window, one at a time. When you are sure that you have entered the data properly, press the <ENTER> key, this will allow the program to read and store the data. When all the necessary data has been enteredthe program will solve for the unknown value, or perform a conversion, and display the result. The <ESC> key is always enabled, and can be used in any area. Pressing the <ESC> key once will return you to the first data entry point on the current screen, this is useful if you made an incorrect entry. Pressing the <ESC> key again will cause the most recent menu to be displayed. Use this method to find your way back to the main menu, and also to exit from the program. Electronic Overview: This section of the program will calculate various electronic related formulas as listed below. Also included is a electronics color code chart. Ohms law (DC) Coupled inductance Ohms law (AC) Impedance Resistance total Resonance Capacitance total Admittance Inductance total Susceptance Mutual inductance Conductance Most sections will calculate several different derivatives of a formula, for instance, the resonance area has the capability of solving not onlyfor resonance, but also capacitance, or inductance in a resonant circuit. In theareas where this is possible, you will be given several choices then, by user selection, the formula for the specified quantity will be performed. The formula used to arrive at the result is displayed on the screen at the end of any calculation. The standard print screen function can be used to obtain a hard copy, the screen is also time and date stamped, as a further aid to the user. Electrical Overview: This section of the program will calculate various electrical related formulas as listed below. Efficiency Fuse and wire size Power factor Conduit and junction box size Amperes from horsepower Wire resistance and voltage drop Amperes from kilowatts Kvar capacitor sizing Amperes from kva Supply system conversion Kilowatts and KVA Also a FLC and wire ampacity chart The left column represents formulas that can be used for calculating both single and three phase circuits. The other formulas are not phase dependantand can be used for any circuit configuration. Efficiency and Power Factor are calculated and displayed on the screen as a percent. Also, when entering data at an Efficiency or Power Factor prompt, the data must be input as a percent. The supply system area calculates the current draw, by a load, on any conventional power system. This is convenient for 60hz to 50hz conversions. The formula used to arrive at the result is displayed on the screen at the end of most calculations. The standard print screen function can be used to obtain a hard copy, the screen is time stamped, as a further aid to the user. Number Systems: This section of the program will evaluate, and change a quantity in onenumber system to an equivalent value in another system. A box is used to indicate the current system type. Use the space bar to toggle between the displayed number systems. Once you have entered the data to be converted, simplypress the <ENTER> key, and the equivalent values will be displayed for all systems simultaneously. When entering a binary value you can use the left and right arrow keys to assist in locating the cursor to a particular bit position. The <BACKSPACE> key can be used to reset the individual bits to zero. Pressing a <1> or <0> key will automatically move the cursor to the next lower bit position. The current conversion limits are shown below. Decimal (base 10) : +/-1048575 Binary (base 02) : 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Octal (base 08) : 3777777 Hex (base 16) : FFFFF If a value outside of these limits is entered or calculated, then an error message will be displayed on the monitor screen. World Wide Voltage: This section of the program provides a current list of the worlds electric power supplied to consumers. The list covers a wide range of countries,and includes frequency, system (wye/delta), single phase voltage, and three phase voltage, when available. All voltages listed are alternating current (AC).A wye or star system will have a high voltage that is 1.732 times the low voltage, for example 120/208. A delta system will have a high voltage that is 2 times the low voltage. If a single voltage is listed under the single phase column, then it can be assumed that the consumer has only the one voltage available, and that it is a two wire service, (one phase wire and one neutral). Two voltages listed under the same column would indicate that the consumer has a three wire service, and both are available, (two phase wires and one neutral).A three phase service, when available, will normally be furnished with four wires, (three phase wires and one neutral). The higher voltage listed can be either single or three phase, but the lower voltage will always be single phase. On-Screen Calculator: An on-screen calculator is available to the user anywhere in the program. To access this feature just press the F(1) function key. A short list of special features will be displayed, along with the calculator itself. The capabilities include the normal four basic functions, plus squaring, square root, reciprocal, and exponential math. The current result in the display can also be exported back, in most cases, to the main program. There are two types of calculators available, an algebraic, and an RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) style. The main differance between the two is the way in which the data is entered, algebraic notation places the operators between the numeric data, and Reverse Polish Notation places the operators after the numeric data. A sample comparison is shown below for the problem (2 + 5 - 3 = ?). Algebraic RPN Keystroke Display Keystroke Display 2 2 + 2.000... <ENTER> 2.000... 5 5 - 7.000... + 7.000... 3 3 = 4.000... - 4.000... Select the calculator you are most comfortable with in the configure section, which is accessible from the main menu.